TripSaver Prepaid Savings
TripSaver hotel savings alerts
No subscription needed, one-time payment, simply pre-paid savings, only charged when we save you $15+ per paid alert, otherwise it is for free.
What’s included
- Only pay when we save you $15+ per payed alert
- Free alerts for savings under $15
- Automatic refund request at lower prices (your booking stays intact)
- Unlimited hotel bookings
- Real-time price tracking
- Customizable alert settings
- Priority support
Savings calculator
Estimate your potential savings
Your first $15+ savings alert is FREE!
Start saving now with no risk!
5 credits1 alerts
No credit card required. Works with any hotel.
Disclaimer: The savings calculated are indicative only and are not a guarantee of actual savings. TripSaver does not hold accountability for any discrepancies between the estimated and actual savings. Always check your final booking details to confirm pricing.
No subscription needed, one-time payment, simply pre-paid savings, only charged when we save you $15+ per alert, otherwise it is for free.